11100 S. 230 East, Sandy, UT 84070
801-826-8200 – Office
801-826-8272 – Attendance Hotline

About Us

Crescent's Mission and Values

All students will graduate from Canyons School District college, career and citizenship ready.

The Crescent staff recognizes that each student comes to school with unique strengths and needs. As the staff provides instruction and experiences focused on those needs, students will be better able to achieve success in the future.

Crescent’s current Literacy goals that support the mission and vision are:

By May 2020, 80% of students in Kindergarten and 1st grade will show typical or above typical growth (three or more stars) from fall to spring as measured by DIBELS/Acadience Pathways to Progress reports.

By May 2020, 90% of students in 2nd -5th grades will show typical or above typical growth (three or more stars) from fall to spring as measured by DIBELS/Acadience Pathways to Progress reports.

Crescent's current School Climate goal that supports the mission and vision is:

By May 2020, Crescent Elementary will have an average student attendance of 95%. To support increased attendance, we will post daily attendance in the office for all stakeholders to see and celebrate classrooms with 100% attendance daily.

In addition, we will build strong, positive student-teacher relationships by greeting students at the door and saying goodbye to them at the door daily, and hold daily meaningful 20-minute Morning Meetings that include a greeting, sharing, activity, and Morning Circle.