It's time for Kindergarten Registration!
It is important that we obtain an accurate count of all children qualifying for kindergarten in the Canyons School District for the 2020-2021 school year. If you have a child that will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2020, your child qualifies for next year’s kindergarten program. State law requires that all school districts in Utah abide by the same September 1st entrance cut-off date.
You will be required, before enrollment, to provide the child’s immunization record, proof of address, and a certified birth certificate(not a photocopy).
If you know of a neighbor that has a quilaifying kindergarten child, please share this information. Ask them to call the school for information on registering their kindergarten child. If you have any questions, please call our school office at 801-826-8200.
Follow this link to print the registration form. Please fill it out and return it to the office.