April 13, 2020
Crescent Family!
First of all… I hope everyone is happy and healthy! Please reach out to me if there is anything I can do to help you or your family.
Our school website will have the latest and greatest information, specific to what we are doing here at Crescent. https://crescent.canyonsdistrict.org/ Most of the information can be translated. If your home language is not an option, please contact the school and we will get that changed.
The school will continue to be open to families from 9:00AM-12:00PM. I am usually in the building. Please contact me by emailcamie.montaue@canyonsdistrict.org for an immediate response. You can leave a message on the school phone @ 801-826-8200. Messages will be listened to by noon each week day.
We will have lunch and breakfast for children 18 years and younger Monday-Friday. Children must be present to receive foodservice. Both may be picked up from 11:30AM-12:30PM.
Sorry for the inconvenience of having to delay the optional supplemental paper/pencil practice. If you do not feel it is safe to pick these up, please do what is best for you and your family. The packets have been laminated so that they can be sterilized. In order to be in compliance with the social distance guidelines, you will need to be in a car to receive your packets.
Please understand that many schools have had the opportunity to pick up their consumable math books, turn in library books, and practice readers. Any work required from the teacher will be on CANVAS or can be screen shot and sent to the teacher. Student username and password for Canvas is on your child’s profile page in Skyward.
We will have a curbside packet pick up Wednesday, April 15, 9-11AM, in the south parking lot. This will be a one-time pickup. Please bring library books, practice readers, and other items that belong to the school, other than technology. Supplies are in a ziplock bag with their first name and last initial.
If you are unable to pick up during these times, please contact me directly by email @camie.montaue@canyonsdistrict.org.
Thank you,
Camie Montague
Principal Crescent Elementary
Home of the growing Cubs!