11100 S. 230 East, Sandy, UT 84070
801-826-8200 – Office
801-826-8272 – Attendance Hotline

Revised Reopening Plan

Crescent Elementary School Plan

Updated August 25, 2020

Area/Activity     Procedures and Protocols to Mitigate the Risks
  • Students encouraged to wear face mask as they arrive, if physical physical distancing is not possible
  • Students will line up at grade level doors by teacher using physical distancing guidelines
  • Students will enter grade level doors
  • Schedule will be staggered by teacher’s last name
  • Students will enter through exterior cafeteria doors
  • Physical distancing tables will be marked for all food services
  • Breakfast seating will be marked by grade level
  • Minimize furniture and other things not needed for instruction
  • Purchase buffs for all students Students will have options for face mask based on need, availability, and safety guidelines
  • Appropriate face coverings are not limited to face mask, buffs, or plastic face shield with physical distancing
  • Change in language and routines for table or partner work “face mask up…. Share____ with your partner”
  • When appropriate, students will be forward facing
  • When reasonable, stations will be assigned to students

    based off of table partners i.e….SBI stations, carpet, oral language, boosters

  • Physical distancing addressed by desks being separated as

    much as possible

  • Students will be assigned table partners that they will

    transition, work, and have lunch with to minimize risk

  • Traffic flow has already been established through our ROARS rules. Students walk on the right side of the hall
  • We have square carpet tiles and students will be trained to this space for physical distancing
  • We already stagger boosters, lunch, and recess. We will continue to use the staggered schedule
  • We have already established hands folded, face forward, and no talking in the halls. We will continue to follow these rules
  • 1”- 2” blocks will be added to the hinged side of the bathroom doors to prop them open so that students do not have to pull on door handles
  • We will also train age appropriate students to use paper towels for drying their hands, to open the bathroom door, and provide additional garbage cans where needed
  • Bathroom/drinks will be taken care of before going outside, boosters, or lunch
  • Bathrooms will be sanitized during recesses
  • Students have been and will continue to be assigned seating by grade level
  • The cafeteria and gymnasium will be used to accommodate 2nd grade levels at a staggered schedule
  • Students will be staggered so that no one is sitting across from each other
Brain Boosters
  • Playworks will conduct class when weather permits, outside
  • Students will have assigned seating in all Booster classes
  • When appropriate, table partners will be assigned to the

    same Booster group, work station, and lunch table

  • All students will use hand sanitizer when entering Booster


  • Students will re-sanitize before entering stations where

    they have manipulatives

Tier II Support
  • When appropriate, students and instructors will follow physical distancing guidelines
  • When appropriate, students and instructors will wear a face mask or buff during small group instruction
  • When appropriate, plastic guards will be used during small group instruction
  • When appropriate, students and instructors will be provided a plastic face shield/face mask
  • Create five recess stations for the week. Grade levels will rotate to each station
  • Each grade level will play at the same station during grade level and lunch recess that day
  • Sanitizer/cleaner will be provided when students are touching/using equipment
Lunch Recess
  • Create five recess stations for the week. Grade levels will rotate to each station
  • Each grade level will play at the same station during grade level and lunch recess that day
  • Sanitizer/cleaner will be provided when students are touching/using equipment
Computers/ Chromebooks/ iPads
  • All technology is assigned to a specific student in all classrooms. We will add sanitizing to our regular routine
  • In the Booster class, part of clean-up will be sanitizing their own station
Large Gatherings, including Assemblies, Back to School, etc.
  • We will not be participating in large group activities
  • We will create a log of who is volunteering. They will check in at the office. We will have a Volunteer Room where they can work to lessen the risk of COVID.
  • In order to help mitigate risks and maintain contact tracing requirements, volunteers will not be working in the classrooms at this time.

Special Programs    • NA

  • We have approximately 20 students that participate. They will continue to meet in a dedicated room
  • Students will wear face mask, when appropriate
  • Students and teachers will observe physical distancing


  • Teachers call down to the office prior to sending students with COVID symptoms
  • Office staff will put on PPE to assess students
  • Students will be assessed using the state health guidelines
  • Sick Room will be used to quarantine one student with COVID symptoms
  • Our Think Room and empty class rooms can be used for overflow
  • Contact the school nurse
  • The custodian will sanitize all areas, as needed
  • The Sick Room will be used as a sick room