11100 S. 230 East, Sandy, UT 84070
801-826-8200 – Office
801-826-8272 – Attendance Hotline

Update • March 24

March 24, 2020

Dear Crescent Family,

We hope this letter finds you all happy and healthy. We truly miss having our Crescent Cubs here at school. Teachers have been tirelessly working on developing lesson plans to get our students the information they need to be prepared for their next academic year. We are all on different levels of technology, so please be patient as we move forward into this new world of teaching online. When we created packets last week, we planned for 3 weeks of instruction. We are officially going online after Spring break.

Our office hours are 9:00AM-12:00PM.  Currently Ms. Montague is the only person in the main office. Mrs. Messam has had the flu… She is on the mend, and we are excited to have her back soon. Please leave a message or email Ms. Montague @  camie.montague@canyonsdistrict.org as she is checking messages every day.

We have been updating our webpage with information multiple times a day. If you have questions, this page is a great resource for what is going on at Crescent, including a recently added list of places with free WiFi.  Also, remember that any Canyons school in our district has free WiFi, which can be accessed in the parking lot.

Many teachers will be starting to invite students to morning circles through Google Meet. This is a great way to check in with the class and see friends. Another great way to check in is to take pictures of our cubs learning, playing and growing hashtag us on Instagram @Crescentcub

Please remember that students still have a lot to learn in the many weeks ahead. This is not an early summer break. Below are the expectations of what students will need to do each a day.  All students will have the following items available each week:

Must do:  New instruction and practice

Can do:  More practice, virtual labs, art, other academic options, etc.

Show what you know:  A check in to make sure students are understanding what is being taught so teachers can reteach, if needed. Please make sure that this is independent work.

Expectations – Students will watch the lesson and complete the practice in one session.

Must-Do:Technology –

    Reflex Math – Go until you get a green light that day/2 days per week

     iReady Math – 45 minutes/per week

     Core 5 – 60 minutes/per week or until you have tested out of your grade level

     Epic – Go on and read after you have tested out of your grade level on Core 5

Math: Per day- Teacher video 5-10 Minutes- Student work: K-10 minutes, 1-2 grades – 15 minutes, 3-5 grades – 20 minutes

ELA: Per day- Teacher video 5-10 Minutes- Student work: K-10 minutes, 1-2 grades – 15 minutes, 3-5 grades – 20 minutes

Writing: Per week- Some writing activity each week

Science or Social Studies: Per week- Some reading and/or writing activity for the week, an exploration

Show What You Know: Per week- Independent check  for understanding.

We are still looking for families who do not have any technology in their homes. There is a limited supply of Chromebooks and iPads that we can loan out to families who do not have technology of any kind.  Families with multiple children will not get multiple devices.

Some work will be done on paper. We will have more information coming to let you know how and where to pick up and drop off work.

This is uncharted territory for most of us.  We appreciate your willingness to work with us, be patient with us, and communicate with us during this challenging time.  All of us wish we could just return to normal classroom life, but that is not possible at this time.

As always if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know what we can do to help and support you. Thank you for all you do to make this a great community!

Camie Montague
