11100 S. 230 East, Sandy, UT 84070
801-826-8200 – Office
801-826-8272 – Attendance Hotline

Code of Conduct

Attendance and Tardies

Less than 8 is GREAT! Please make it a priority to have your children at school and on time everyday. The level of instruction and interaction cannot be replaced with reading a book or worksheet. When students miss school, they miss not only academics, but friend and social changes. Our goal is Crescent Cubs not missing more than 8 days in a school year. Reminder notices for attendance will be sent out after 10 and 15 days of absence, excused or unexcused. Always get a note from doctors when you have appointments. Have your doctor excuse the time that your child has been out if they are sick for a couple of days and then see a doctor. Please contact us with extenuating circumstances. Parents may “guardian excuse” up to 5 student absences. Students must arrive to school on time. Students should arrive between 8:40-8:50 AM. All students will line up in front of grade level doors. Welcome bell rings at 8:55AM. School instruction begins promptly at 9:00AM.

Bicycle, Scooter and Skateboard Safety

Students may ride bikes, scooters, and skateboards to school. Students should dismount and walk when on school grounds. Bike racks are provided for students. Please send your student with a lock. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment and Retaliation

Bullying is an abusive and illegal behavior that harms victims and negatively impacts the school environment. The definition of “Bullying” is intentionally or knowingly committing an act that endangers the physical, emotional health, or safety of another. The definition of “Cyberbullying” is using the Internet, a cell phone, or another device to send, post, text, video, or an image, with the intent to hurt, embarrass or threaten another. The definition of “Harassment” is repeatedly communicating to another individual in a demeaning or disparaging manner. The definition of “Retaliation” is an act or communication intended as payback against a person for reporting bullying, cyberbullying or harassment. 

Students who observe bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or retaliation have a duty to report this behavior to school administration. Students who fail to report such behavior are subject to disciplinary actions (possibly including suspension). Students who make false allegations of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or retaliation are subject to disciplinary actions (possibly including suspension).

Cell Phone and Electrical Devices

Cell phones are not welcome at school. If a student brings a phone to school, it needs to be in the off position and in their backpack. If the phone is seen or heard or becomes a distraction, then it will be removed from the student’s possession (like all items causing a distraction) and parents will be contacted to pick up the device from school. An adult will need to come to school during regular office hours to pick it up. Students and parents must assume the risk if a student brings a personal cell phone/electronic device to school. The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen devices. Any use of an electronic device that exploits personal information, disrupts the educational process, invades personal privacy, or compromises the integrity of educational programs is strictly prohibited.