11100 S. 230 East, Sandy, UT 84070
801-826-8200 – Office
801-826-8272 – Attendance Hotline

Drop-off and Pick-up

For the safety and well-being of all students, families and students are to adhere to the following:

  1. Please adhere to all safety rules. Wait to be crossed in the cross walks by safety patrol and

    teachers on duty. It is not safe for parents or students to cross without a crosswalk.

  2. Be aware of others, communicate by using a blinker, be courteous, be safe!

  3. Students are not allowed to ride the bus if they are not assigned to a bus.

  4. Please pull forward to allow for more cars to be in line for pick up and drop off.

  5. Once you have picked up or dropped off your child please pull to the thru lane to exit the parking lot.

  6. Buses only will be allowed in the South parking lot during drop off and pick up times.

  7. Student pick up and drop off will be in the North parking lot.

  8. Parents parking in the parking lot and street need to escort their children to and from their car to the sidewalk area. Students must be accompanied by an adult while crossing the parking lot or street.

  9. DO NOT park or leave your car unattended in the red zones at any time.

  10. Students enter and exit cars in the Loading Zone only.

  11. Students should enter or exit cars only where there is a side walk to step onto.

  12. Students are not to walk between or behind parked vehicles.

  13. Drivers may not exit their vehicles unless the vehicle is parked in a designated parking stall with the engine turned off.

2024 Parking Lot Procedures