11100 S. 230 East, Sandy, UT 84070
801-826-8200 – Office
801-826-8272 – Attendance Hotline

April 17, 2024 Minutes


Emily Dyer

Laura Harris 

Emily Dyer: 

Nicole Harman 

Tyler Germer 

Kierstin Draper- Principal

PTA Notes

Last and final assembly, Ballet West will be April 25th. Carpool lane is hectic and we need to go over protocols with staff and remind parents to be patient when waiting for the crosswalk. This ensures safety for all. Retrain for safety patrol as well. 

April 22nd: Skate Night at Classic.

Teacher Appreciation is coming up the end of April.

Carnival is also coming up in May: will still split the proceeds with the PTA

Land Trust/TSSP: 

We have reviewed TSSP and have all approved February’s minutes. SNAP (safe walking route) Plan was also reviewed and approved. 

Action Plan: 

  • Land Trust funds: will be used to hire 4 instructional assistants to work one-on-one with students concentrating on reading and math. ($67,100 total investment)
  • TSSP funds:  will be used to hire a second instructional assistant to work with second language learner’s full time.
    • we will also hire two instructional assistants, one that will work 15 hours and the other will work 7 hours a week to support ($71,280 total investment)
  • Cell Tower funds: will be used to hire 2 part time instructional assistants ($11,360 total investment) 


Deb updated during PLC’s that behaviors have been settling down and becoming more manageable in the past three weeks. 


All grades will be taking the Spring RI assessment this week. Acadience testing will be the last two weeks of April. RISE has been scheduled and 3-5th grade is carrying out practice tests and testing expectations. 

  • CORE5: teachers or grade levels should provide incentives once a month to encourage students to unit completion. 

School Items: 

  • Elections for next year SCC will be held Fall 2024. 


This has been approved since the last meeting: 

We talked about the Elementary Planning Time Proposal. Hoping for implementation by the start of school 2024-2025 school year.


  • NEW PRINCIPAL for 2024-2025!! So exciting and we welcome Kierstin Draper with open arms. 

Action Plan: 

 May 8, 2024 @ 4pm  

We will be reviewing dates and protocols for the election of SCC, which is happening in the fall.