11100 S. 230 East, Sandy, UT 84070
801-826-8200 – Office
801-826-8272 – Attendance Hotline

February 3, 2021 – Minutes

Crescent Elementary School – School Community Council

February 3, 2021


  • Shelly – Welcome
    1. Vote on previous meetings notes
      1. Motion- second- passed
    2. Follow-up on Bus tag program – Tina Memmott
      1. Transportation phone number
      2. Color coded luggage tags.
    • So far it has been a success
  1. Info on potential new SCC members – Tina Memmott
    1. Marinda Cutler- Henry Cutler in 4th grade now.
    2. Rachel son in kindergargten
    3. Bailey Reese Son in Kindergarten
  • Cami Montague
    1. Carnival
      1. Covid impact?
      2. PTA partnership
  • More support from SCC


  • push to  aunts, uncles, grandparents
  • start a google doc that we can all add to for ideas we want to keep and get rid of.
  1. Spelling bee
    1. Link will be added to canvas classes
  2. PTC
    1. Feb. 24th and 25th
    2. Early out on the 25th?
  • How can the SCC help?
    1. Contact PTA to come and volunteer for afternoon duties 15min(ish)
  • Academic updates
    1. Kids are doing a great job with progress and growth
  • Behavior updates
    1. Wellness room/ de-escalation room
      1. Teachers will get trained to use
    2. Trauma training for teachers and how to support students even more outside of our morning circles.
  • Cell tower coverage
    1. Aides
      1. Until testing is over we have funds for our aides- passed
    2. Soda Machine
      1. Motion to come out of cell tower money- passed
  • Any other items?
  • Review action items for next meeting
    1. Ideas for silent auction/carnival
    2. Start putting out feelers for April (only 2 meetings away)
    3. Voting next month on land trust and TSSP money