11100 S. 230 East, Sandy, UT 84070
801-826-8200 – Office
801-826-8272 – Attendance Hotline

March 31, 2021 – Minutes

Crescent Elementary School 

School Community Council

March 31, 2021

  1.  Welcome – Shelly
    1. Vote on previous meetings notes
      1. Motion
      2. All voted yes
      3. Second reading for the Land trust and TSSP
        1. Greeting students by the door before and after school
          1. Morning circles
          2. Second step program that we are going to integrate into next year.
            1. $54,5620
              1. $3,000 PBIS
                1. Substitutes for teachers
                2. For blended learning preparation i.e. record videos,
  1. Carnival update – see below
  1.  Camie Montague
    1. Academic Updates
        1. We feel as though we will meet our 80% goal this year.
      1. Behavior Updates
        1. By moving students in 4th and 5th grade behaviors issues have gone down.
        2. January 32 office referrals/ February referrals have dropped in half.
        3. January 1,000 cub credit cards/ February 2,300ish cub credit cards
        4. Cub credit cards have been working better
      2. Silent auction/ Carnival
        1. Each teacher will have their own page
        2. Variety of options for parents to buy things for their kids.
        3. April 23rd is the start date
        4. Advertising as simple as possible.
      3. Anything else?
      4. April 28th or 1st – Vote for the president and Vice President