11100 S. 230 East, Sandy, UT 84070
801-826-8200 – Office
801-826-8272 – Attendance Hotline

May 5, 2021 – Minutes

SCC Agenda

May 5, 2021

Land Trust/TSSP: Whatever money is left in TSSP will go to new computers for teach and student support staff.

Behavior: Lunch recess and grade level recess have been very manageable this year.

Academics: Students are doing very well on end of level bench mark

School Items:  We brought in $12, 130!!!! The company donated 4 Pizza parties and will take 10% of the earnings

Concerns: We only got 40% of the licenses from the math stem grant. We voted to approve the money for the licenses to come out of cell tower.

 Action Steps: Carnival is next week please apply to be a volunteer if you can help.