11100 South 230 East, Sandy, UT 84070
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May 8, 2024- Minutes

SCC Meeting Notes May 8, 2024


Laura Harris: Teacher

Nicole Harman : Vice-Chair

Tyler Germer : Chair 

Deb Anderson- Interim Principal

Emily Dyer: excused

Notes: The meeting started at 4:00pm. We reviewed notes from last meeting and all was approved.  

Laura Harris and Emily Dyer: this is their last meeting for SCC 

PTA Notes

Teacher Appreication week:  Generous and thoughtful schedule for teachers. 

Finished Carnival Week: Successful reached our goal of $15,000.

Land Trust/TSSP:

Three instructional aides for 24-25: 28 hours

Wording was redone and the amount of money is the same for the 24-25.

Action Plan: 

  • Tyler will be in touch towards the end of summer to schedule the  first meeting and decide when to vote. 


*implementing a new PBIS system into the next school year which is very exciting will allow students to have buy-in. 


Next week is year end Acadience testing 

  • End of school year festivities: Many grade levels are having activities and inviting parents in to come in and support these programs.  

School Items: 

  • Elections for next year SCC will be held Fall 2024. 

Concerns: none


  • NEW PRINCIPAL for 2024-2025!! So exciting and we welcome Kierstin Draper with open arms. 

Tyler Germer: made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Nicole seconded the  motion @ 4:36pm