11100 S. 230 East, Sandy, UT 84070
801-826-8200 – Office
801-826-8272 – Attendance Hotline

December 2, 2020 – Minutes

December 2, 2020


Land Trust: Spent money on intervention specialist.

Refer to webpage for the dollar amounts.

SNAP plan concern has been bussing but we have changed the parking lots and drop offs so things seem to be going better

We are asking for more lighting in the north parking lot because it is dark when teachers are leaving.

We are asking that they continue to shovel snow

Asking to have the playground resurfaced, completely

Bus safety student switching from online learning to in school learning and student “went home with a friend”

Camie went out and talked with the bus driver immediately when the student was dropped off. Solution: Closing the doors when she walks to the back of the bus.

            Student got on wrong bus with a substitute driver. Buses can radio each other to make sure that no one is on the wrong bus.

            Come up with a buddy system for the first two weeks of school .

            Making tags by color or letter. If they forgot their backpack they can get a pass from the office.

Vote: Money will come from cell tower money. 6:0 vote passed.



School Items:


  • School Safety
  • Wireless earbuds

Next Meeting:  January 6, 2021